relationship? bad, dont think i have one,
still young, far more things to chopped and slice,
and still thinking of flying big metals in the air +
never stop thinking of the "$" sign.
to my parents, its Jubli perak already.
thanks for everything and congrats to them.
after them is my first sista,
she got sarah jr. now,
that makes me as a uncle (im still young and younger).
congrats to them also.
after that is my brother.
just married,
but manage to have a flat screen already!
congrats to him and sarah sr. .
next will be this girl.
dunno when..
but wat ever it is,
protocol is protokol la.
wait! your turn will be soon..
after that.....its time already bud.
hes gonna be the next one!
well he looks afraid of sumtin over there..
and look who got the next number...
always a kedekut to me,huh
and finally....
last but not least its time for......
is it the guy in the blue baju melayu or the small girl?
off course its that one!
its the girl!
base on the picture,
you can see how unpatient she is to eat her own kek kawen..
hahahaha, cheer$!
*harap2 umy x baca, or not im screwd.lalala~